Fertilizer Analysis 24 25 4. 05 05 1. To determine a fertilizer ratio for a recommendation of 15 lb of nitrogen 05 lb of phosphate and 05 lb of potash divide the weight of each of the three nutrients 15 lb 05 lb 05 lb by the nutrient with the lowest weight 05 lb. For example a common type of all-purpose fertilizer is referred to as 10-10-10. Liquid Pit Manure Livestock Livestock Production System Total N P 2O 5 K 2O Production System Total N P 2O 5 K 2O Swine.
You are growing 25 acres of tall fescue and plan on applying a total of 160 Nac on the following schedule. SUGGESTED SPREADER SETTINGS Total Nitrogen N 24 240 Urea Nitrogen. If you purchased a 50-pound bag five pounds or 10 would be Nitrogen five pounds would be phosphorus and five pounds would be potassium. 24 33a Glass electrode method. 26 35 Granularity. 12 N-NH 4 265 P 61 P 2 O 5.
Is a premium quality controlled-release fertilizer with sulfur and iron.
You are growing 25 acres of tall fescue and plan on applying a total of 160 Nac on the following schedule. The best way to select a fertilizer grade is to have your soil tested. Fertilizer Analysis Slow Release Stabilized Nitrogen K-Source Rate lbM Description Unitspallet Bag Size R540274 34-0-8 Twice-a-Year 70 SRN from a combination of Duration-90 and 120 days MOP 44 New Twice-a-Year formulation that is DRIVEN BY DURATION CR Controlled-Release Fertilizer. 12 N-NH 4 265 P 61 P 2 O 5. You are growing 25 acres of tall fescue and plan on applying a total of 160 Nac on the following schedule. Mono Ammonium Phosphate MAP Grade.