3 Types Of Gingival Embrasures. For Class II embrasures an Interdental brush. Papilla and open gingival embrasures. 12 They cause not only esthetic but also periodontal problems related to chronic food retention. With orthodontic tooth movement appropriate crown-root angulation incisal level and gingival zenith position for final restorations can be achieved.
There are four embrassures for every contact area. With orthodontic tooth movement appropriate crown-root angulation incisal level and gingival zenith position for final restorations can be achieved. The authors reviewed a total of 51 articles including review of the literature using the terms black triangle. Two solutions exist for this. What are the 3 types of embrasures Incisalocclusal lingual and facial IN CLASS WILSON SPOKE OF A FOURTH CALLED THE GINGIVAL WHICH IS OPPOSITE THE INCISALOCCLUSAL What provides a natural spillway to help move food out. Embrasures are completely occupied by healthy interdental papilla.
Teeth reshaping or interproximal reduction can also be made to fill the sides of rounded or triangular teeth to close them together.
Papilla filling pinpoint and BT. Veneers or bonds can change the shape of your teeth and eliminate dark triangles. For Class II embrasures an Interdental brush. 2 2006 It is always helpful to start any endeavor in dentistry with an image of what normal or ideal would be. One is to orthodontically intrude the incisors. Depending on the type of the gingival embrasure the type of interdental aid to be used is determined - For teeth with normal embra-sures it is advisable to use thin floss.